Journal of Nepalese Prosthodontic Society



Oral implants are regarded as one of the the most successful and reliable treatment options for replacing missing tooth/teeth. Various studies have reported that it can be used to meet the functional as well as esthetic demands of missing tooth or teeth. The most common indication of oral implants is replacement of single or multiple teeth to support the denture.While replacing tooth in the esthetic zone, the consideration should be towards creating the right emergence profile. So, replacing tooth with implant supported prosthesis in the anterior region is more challenging as compared to the posterior. With clinical examination, radiographic investigation and treatment planning good results can be achieved. This case report highlights the placement of a single-tooth dental implant in anterior region where emergence profile was created with gingival moulding similar to that of adjacent gingiva using provisionalization.

Key words: Anterior implant; Temporization; Gingival moulding

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