Journal of Nepalese Prosthodontic Society



Physical defects that compromise appearance or function, which prevent an individual from leadinga normal life, usually prompt the individual to seek treatment that will reinstate acceptable normalcy.The loss of an eye impairs the patient’s visual function, yet also results in a noticeable deformity.Prosthesis should be provided as soon as possible to raise the spirits and ease the mind of the afflicted.An ocular prosthesis is a maxillofacial prosthesis that artificially replaces an eye missing as a result oftrauma, surgery, or congenital absence. A custom ocular prosthesis has advantage of close adaptationto the tissue bed, provides maximum comfort and restores full physiological function to the accessoryorgans of the eye.

Key words: ocular defect; ocular prosthesis; custom made; acrylic prosthesis.

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